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Brown Sugar Ginger Snack 红糖姜片(250g)

Brown Sugar Ginger Snack 红糖姜片(250g)

Regular price SGD 5.50
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Brown Sugar Ginger 红糖姜片


-女人 Woman: 
经痛 Dysmenorrhea 
月经不调 Irregular menstrual cycle 
助孕 Increase pregnant chances 
贫血  Anemia 
改善皮肤 Improve skin tone 
补血补气 Enrich the blood and Qi 
手脚冰冷 Cold hands & feet 
排毒及改善便秘 Detox & reduce constipation 
产后子宫的收缩 Restoring expanded uterus for postpartum 
产后恢复 Recovery after gave birth 
产后补充能量 Restoring energy for postpartum 
促进母乳的生成 Improve breast milk production 
帮助排出恶露 Enhance lochia discharge 
缓慢更年期 Slow down menopause

-男人 Man: 
解酒毒 Alleviate hangover 
缓解疲劳 Reduce tiredness 
恢复体力 Restoring energy 
养肝护脾 Liver & spleen protection 
助勃起 Enhance erection 
帮助睡眠 Enhance sleeping quality

补充维生素矿物质 Supplement of vitamins & minerals 
疲泛无力 Alleviate fatigue and weakness 
增加体质 Increase physical fitness 
延缓衰老 Anti-aging

- 小孩children: 
增强记忆力 Enhance memory 
增加骨骼钙质 Increase bone calcium 
提高免疫力 Improve immunity

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